




IES LA OLIVA is a heathy high school where our students during the break can enjoy doing different activities that help students to have a healthy body, a healthy mind and a happy life.   






From November 20 to 28, 2021, the mobility to Poland will take place. This meeting called BATERIES RELOADED - EAT, BE FIT AND HAVE FUN is organized by the I Liceum Ogolnokstalcalce, im 14 Pulku located in Wodsizlawiu Slaskim. The Polish coordinating teachers are ready to receive us.

                                                   Hanna Knopek and Dominika Sidor

The students selected to take part in this mobility are Alba, Cheire and María, who have fullfilled the selection requirements carried out last school year and which are based on the points awarded for their good academic results got in the last school year and on their active participation in the multiple activities included and carried out within our FIT4THOUGHT project. they will reperesent our high school and our country in this mobility.



SCHOOL YEAR 2021/2022


We welcome the new 2021/2022 school year full of enthusiasm and eager to work. We are happy because, although we continue with the health alert for COVID 19, and thanks to the vaccine and the health measures of wearing the mask and maintaining the safety distance, little by little we are returning to our new normal.

Our ERASMUS + FIT4THOUGHT project, which has continued active with the activities carried out during the last school year in our high school, will continues with the activities planned for this school year in and out of our school. We are also lucky because, due to the health stiation of the partner countries (Poland, croatia, turkey, portugal), we are allowed to travel to these countries and carry out with the mobilities planned in our project.

If the students want to take part on the mobilities to the countries which are our partners, they must read carefully the STUDENTS SELECTION CRITERIA.